TMT 【追記】・・・











さて・・・先日のTMT の追記。



” A fight for the survival of our planetary household, our mother earth. ”



Hundreds of protectors from all islands gathered on the mountain on the 24th of June anticipating the commencement of construction of the TMT telescope which would bulldoze a 8 square acre area on the 13,796ft summit of the highest mountain of the Pacific, which to the Hawaiians is the highest temple and their umbilical (spiritual connection) to Akua (god) and the entire universe.

Blockades were made all along the road leading up to the summit with around 10 to 20 people in each line, conducting themselves in sacred ceremony and holding a strong Kapu Aloha.

As brother Kahookahi Kanuha likes to remind everyone in every briefing, ‘Sacred place, sacred conduct.’ It is this conduct based on love, understanding, respect and compassion that has so far kept these confrontations peaceful.

We were met with over 20 DLNR Police vehicles and the blockade lines held them off for over 6 hours.

Over 10 arrests were made, and it was arranged for all our Aloha Aina warrior brothers and sisters to be bailed out the same day.

The road was later obstructed with boulders stretching up for miles up to the summit to block the TMT vehicles and police, at which point they turned around and left.

This movement goes far beyond just the protection of the mountain. It is a fight for justice.

A fight for sovereignty.

A fight for humanity.

A fight for the survival of our planetary household, our mother earth.

A fight destined to win.

Similar scenarios are expected in the days to come but one thing remains clear and solid: NO TMT.

NOT NOW, NOT EVER; and the protectors of the mountain are willing to go as far as they may need to to stop the desecration of their sacred temple, their ancestor, their sibling, their mountain Mauna A Wakea.


” A fight for the survival of our planetary household, our mother earth. ”


